Clan Fraser Society of North America
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The bylaws of CFSNA state that there are five (5) elected officers: Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Membership Secretary, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer.

Each officer is elected to the Board by the membership and serves for a term of two (2) years with the possibility of being re-elected once. Election of Chairperson and Membership Secretary, is held in the Fall of odd numbered years. Election of Vice-Chairperson, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer is held in the Fall of even numbered years. All Officers may serve up to two (2) consecutive terms of two (2) years each. No one person will be allowed to hold more than one (1) elected Office at a time. In 2023, both the Chairman and Membership Secretary are up for election.

The election process starts in the summer with the creation of the Nominating Committee, the collection of nominations and the creation of the ballot.  All nominees must be regular members of CFSNA with dues up to date.

By the end of October, the Board will publish the list of nominees for each office that is up for election for the current year.  Voting is online during November and December with terms commencing January 1 of the year following the election.

The 2023 nominee for the office of Chairman is Paul Clarke the incumbent and the nominee for the Office of Membership Secretary is Mary Lampkin replacing Don Fraser who will continue as the CFSNA.COM Webmaster which is an appointed position.

You will need the password that was in the election announcement email sent recently. 

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